Athletic Director: Daryl Lee
(209) 257-5565
Question: What programs are offered at Ione Junior High?
Answer: There are three Competitive Team programs offered in Jr High Athletics.
Question: Are there tryouts for Junior High Athletics?
Answer: Yes. There are tryouts for the competitive teams in Junior High Athletics. Information regarding team size and the number of teams are determined during the first week of tryouts.
Question: When are tryouts held?
Answer: Tryouts for each sport will be held the first week of the quarter in which the season is held.
Question: What forms need to be turned in before a student may tryout?
Answer: All students must turn in a registration form prior to participation in any Junior High Athletics tryout or practice.
Question: Do students need to turn in a physical to participate in Junior High Athletics?
Answer: A physical is required for participation in Junior High Athletics.
Question: When is payment for Junior High Athletics due?
Answer: A $50.00 payment for the junior high athletic season is due prior to the first athletic contest of the season.
Question: Are student grades checked to determine student eligibility?
Answer: Yes. Grades are checked at progress report time. A student who is failing a class is ineligible and will not be able to participate for a minimum of one athletic event.
Question: How does a student regain eligibility?
Answer: The student may regain eligibility by providing the coach and athletic director with proof that he has raised the failing grade to a passing grade with a signed progress report from the teacher. The student must still sit out a minimum of one athletic competition.
Information about Heat/Air Quality and Outdoor Activities
We use the CalOSHA Heat Index to monitor heat and we follow all guidelines listed on the CalOSHA website for outdoor activities. In addition, we will be using Purple Air to monitor air quality. Please see below for links to both of these resources if you are interested in knowing more or keeping track of conditions in order to plan ahead and be prepared for any changes we may need to make to ensure the safety of our students. The PurpleAir widget to the right contains real-time air quality from a sensor located at Ione Junior High School.
We hope this information helps you understand what factors affect our decisions in these summer months as we deal with high heat and wildfires. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to prioritize the safety and health of our students as well as our sports coaches.